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Application Form Instructions
Before filling out the form, gather a student writing sample, about 250 words on the following prompt: "
what are your personal goals for high school?", OR, "tell us about a time you learned something important outside of school".
In addition, we recommend making note of the few free-response questions below and preparing your responses "offline", to be cut-and-pasted into the application later.
Fill out the form information, noting that the application must be completed in one sitting (there is no save and complete later feature). If your free-response answers are cut-and-pasted in, the application can be completed within 20 minutes; otherwise, please allow up to two hours to complete all fields.
Non-refundable $50 application fee must be paid at the time of application.
Submit Form.
Family Information
Father's Last Name
Father's First Name
Primary Email Address
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Primary Phone Number
Student's Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal / Zip code
Father's Information
Phone Number
Email Address
Religious Denomination
Mother's Information
Phone Number
Email Address
Religious Denomination
Parent Statement: Please let us know what interests you about Our Lady of Solitude Academy, your goals for your daughter’s education, and why you think OLS would be a good fit for your daughter.
Student's Information
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Date of Birth
Has the student received her First Communion in the Catholic Church?
Has the student been Confirmed in the Catholic Church?
Is the student diagnosed with any learning differences or special needs? If yes, please provide details.
Current Grade Level in school
Applying for which school year?
Choose an option
Current Math Course
Choose an option
Current Level of Latin
Choose an option
Please describe your child’s previous schooling.
Briefly describe your daughter’s personality, her strengths and weaknesses, and anything else you would like us to know about her.
Student Writing Sample. 250 words on one of the following prompts: "What are your personal goals for high school?", OR, "Tell us about a time you learned something important outside of school".
Name of the Parent or Guardian completing application
Your Signature
Would you like to receive a financial aid application?
Non-refundable $50 application fee must be paid at the time of application.
Pay Application Fee
Submit Application
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